Statement on the Handcuffing of a 9-Year-Old Black Walpole Student
Be Inclusive is devastated to learn of recent news reports that allege Walpole police officers handcuffed a 9-year-old Black student with special needs while he was having a mental health crisis at a Walpole elementary school. Be Inclusive extends our support and solidarity to this student and his family.
Trust is essential to building an inclusive community that is welcoming and accepting to all. Black, Brown, differently abled and other marginalized communities need to be able to trust that their loved ones will be kept safe from bias and unjust treatment. This incident has damaged that trust and harmed valued members of our community. It is a painful reminder of the work we must do to build an antiracist community. Be Inclusive remains committed to doing this work through education and inclusive programming. As always, if you or someone you know needs support or resources, please reach out to us at
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